Jul 26, 2012

How to of the Day: How to Treat Heat Stroke in Dogs

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How to Treat Heat Stroke in Dogs
Jul 26th 2012, 08:00

Dogs are not as efficient at releasing heat as we are; built to conserve rather than release heat, they tend to heat up faster than we do.[1] As such, we may not twig to the fact that a dog has become overheated until symptoms suddenly develop. Heat stroke in dogs is a very serious condition and its onset can often take you by surprise, escalating into an emergency situation in a matter of minutes. Knowing how to treat a dog experiencing heat stroke may be vital to saving your dog's life.

Edit Steps

  1. Recognize the symptoms of heat stroke in a dog. React quickly if you notice that your dog is dehydrated or is suffering from some or all of the following heat stroke symptoms:
    • Unusual breathing - rapid and loud
    • High rectal temperature (see how to take this below)
    • Extreme thirst
    • Weakness and/or fatigue
    • Frequent vomiting
    • Disorientation
    • A bright red tongue and pale gums
    • Skin around muzzle or neck doesn't snap back when pinched
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Collapse or coma
    • Thick saliva
    • Increased heart rate.
  2. If you suspect that your dog is overheated, immediately take her to a shady spot or into a cool indoors room. Removing the heat source is an important immediate response. If possible, take her into a building such as a room with air conditioning. If circulating the air through air conditioning is not possible, see if you can locate a fan.
  3. Cool the dog down. Depending on what you have available to you, do your best to cool down your dog quickly. Some possible ways to approach this include:[2]
    • Pour cool water water over her head and body.
    • Drape wet towels over your dog. Don't leave wet cloths in place for too long though, as they can lead to her being too damp.
    • Gently hose her using a very gentle stream of water, preferably a dribble or light spray (do not use it at full strength).
    • Where it is possible, submerge your dog in a bathtub or tank of cool (not cold) water.
    • Never use ice water or ice––this will close the skin pores, shrink the skin's surface vessels and can exacerbate the heat stroke. It can lead to shock or even cause hypothermia.[3][2]
  4. Fan the dog and spread her fur open using your fingers. It will help to fan your dog as you cool her with water, and run your fingers through her coat to lift it up and help the air to flow through. Fur acts as an insulating blanket trapping heat, so opening it up and exposing the skin underneath to air can help her to cool down faster.
  5. Take her temperature. A dog suffering from heat stroke will have a temperature of 103ºF (39.5ºC) or above. Ideally, don't try taking the temperature until you have removed the heat source and tried to cool her down. Moreover, only take her temperature if it's not likely to disturb or upset her. Use a rectal thermometer to take the dog's temperature:
    • If you're using a mercury thermometer, you will have to reduce the mercury to below 94ºF (34.4ºC) by shaking it lightly.
    • Lubricate it with a lubricant such as petroleum or KY jelly.
    • Ask a helper to hold the dog by holding the head and front part of the body.
    • Locate the rectum and lift the tail for access.
    • Carefully insert the thermometer into the rectum about one inch (2.5cm); do not let go of it.
    • Wait two minutes for a mercury thermometer, or until a digital one beeps. When this happens, carefully remove the thermometer and read the temperature.
    • A normal rectal temperature is about 100.5ºF - 102.5ºF (38.6ºC to 38.9ºC). If the dog's temperature is above this, heat stroke is likely.
    • Keep tabs on the dog's rectal temperature as she recovers. If it returns to a normal level (below 103ºF/39.5ºC), you can stop the cooling techniques; however, keep the dog in a cool area and keep giving her liquids. Once her temperature reduces to normal, the cooling will continue naturally provided she's in a cool place.
  6. When your dog comes around, try to give her a small quantity of water to drink. It is also okay to try and give her pediatric electrolyte solution, repeating as often as she wants to drink it.[2]
  7. Contact an emergency vet clinic. As you cool the dog, call any emergency vet clinic for advice on treating the dog's heatstroke. As soon as the rectal temperature is at an appropriate level, bring the dog to an (emergency) vet clinic. Be aware that even if the dog does not appear to be suffering from any issues, there may be internal damage. It's best to have a check-up to be reassured of the all-clear.

Edit Tips

  • Be aware of what brings on heat stroke in dogs. The possible causes include:
    • Being left in car, whether or not the windows are left slightly open, whether or not it's summer. A dog can still get heat stroke on an overcast day when left in a car. Even with the windows rolled down, the inside of a parked car can reach 150ºF/66ºC in summer, which can cause heat stroke in minutes.[1]
    • Being left outside without shade and/or water.
    • Having a short muzzle, as seen in breeds such as English Bulldogs and Pugs.
    • Suffering from a condition which impairs breathing, including obesity.
    • Being a breed bred for a colder environment or having a thick coat; such as a Alaskan Malamute.
    • Being over-exercised in warm to hot conditions.
  • For information on preventing heatstroke, read How to prevent heat stroke in dogs.
  • Dogs cannot sweat.[1] They pant to release heat instead, unable to take advantage of the evaporative cooling system that sweating is for human beings. This is why it is very important to keep a dog out of the heat and to avoid exercising a dog in the hottest part of the day during the warmer months.
  • Equally important for your dog's sense of calm, is to keep yourself calm. If you panic, your dog can sense this and may also react with fear if she is conscious. Instead, remain as calm as possible, work methodically to restore her normal temperature and make fast arrangements to transport her to the vet. Stay focused so that you can stay reassured that you're doing all you possibly can to increase the chances of your dog's survival.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • Cool area
  • Cool water
  • Towels
  • Water or electrolyte preparation for rehydration
  • Vet emergency contact details

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