Sep 14, 2012

How to of the Day: How to Ride Your Bike Across the Country

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How to Ride Your Bike Across the Country
Sep 14th 2012, 08:00

Riding your bike across or around a country is one of those epic journeys that many dream of, and quite a few actually manage too. Whether it's due to a love of cycling, a desire to see your (or another) country at a slower pace without creating too much impact on the environment or just something you're keen to try because it's a major achievement, riding your bike across or around the country can be a fantastic goal in life. And it doesn't even need to be your own country––some of the most hardcore cyclists have ridden around countries other than their own, choosing a foreign land for its scenery, interest, culture or whatever other personal reasons. If you'd like to join in this increasingly popular activity, you'll need to prepare well, be fit and know how to fix your bike in any weather or situation. The rewards will outweigh the effort though, so start planning now for your journey of a lifetime.

Edit Steps

  1. Buy a good quality bike. Before you even think about packing a backpack, you need a dependable bike. While you could borrow or rent a bike, if something happens to it, you could find yourself spending more money to repair or replace it than you would have actually spent buying a new bike, so it's recommended that you save your pennies and purchase your very own. If you already have a bike, it might be suitable if it's in top condition and has plenty of life left in it. If you're not sure whether that's the case or you've owned the bike for a long time, it's probably better to purchase a new bike specifically for the purpose of your across-country trip. The other possible approach is to ride your old bike into the ground, being prepared to purchase a new one along the way. The downside to this approach is that you need to know where it is possible to purchase the exact bike you want, you need to be near such places when your old one gives up and you may find that you're not happy with the new one because it hasn't been broken in through test riding. Erring on the side of getting a new bike and testing it out before you undertake your epic journey is probably the most preferred option.
    • If you have to rely on your existing bike, have it fully checked out by a professional by bringing it to a bike shop. Replace any parts that are showing some form of wear and tear. This step in itself could be pricey but spending £100 on new parts is better than your bike falling apart and having to walk home, isn't it?
  2. Prepare yourself. You need to prepare yourself both physically and mentally. Realize that you will need determination, grit and an ability to endure hardships such as horrible weather, wet and muddy clothing, occasional falls, exhaustion and challenges in finding accommodation at times. Weather, food, shelter, level of fitness and availability of finances can all take their toll on your mental well-being when constantly riding. In some ways, your mental resilience should be improved by the experience itself but it is vital to ensure that you have planned well to cover contingencies such as being stuck somewhere without cash or not being able to find suitable accommodation for the night. If you have taken good care of the logistics, you'll experience less stress.
    • To prepare physically, you will need to get fit. Start by riding short distances at least six days a week. Run on a treadmill and lose weight. Every pound on your body you will have to drag along with you, so get rid of most of it (some of it will fall off as you're riding, so don't be too radical in your weight loss). Read How to train for BMX racing for some tips on how to train for long distances. You should be riding long distances now and doing plenty of hill climbs––ride to and from work, studies, activities, etc., every opportunity you get, all weather.
    • Learn about what you can do with your bike to keep down the bike's weight; don't discard important elements though, like the brakes or lights! A lighter bike means less work for you, although you will need to get used to the weight, especially if you're taking your tent and other campsite gear along too (highly recommended).
    • Use affirmations or positive statements to ready yourself for the big trip ahead. Look at a map of your country and say to yourself, "I can do this!". A lot of what you'll go through will be about willpower and the determination to keep going even when you're aching and want to stop. Using visualization and positive imagery of achievements, as sportspeople use, will be one way of helping you stay on track.
  3. Get all the details sorted well in advance. Map out what route you're going to take, as well as any detours of interest. It's also a good idea to know of detours for the sake of safety––if a road or track gets closed due to a landslide or accident, what alternative routes are available to you? You need to start thinking like this from the outset. There are lots of other things to consider, such as:
    • Are you going to ride in all the roads or take some backstreets? Check your bike laws to see if you can ride on motorways/freeways and streets, major roads/highways, etc. Many larger roads make cycling illegal, so be aware well in advance. The best routes will have low traffic levels and are paved. While gravel or dirt roads are doable, they're best kept to a minimum. When planning your route, also aim to avoid any stretch of road or track that goes for more than 30 miles/50 kilometers without facilities. If you do need to travel such a long distance, ensure that you have extra water, food, and ways to signal distress to any biking partner or passersby.
    • Know how long it will take to get to a destination and be reasonable in your assessment. First time long distance riders will find the exertion very difficult at first, so plan for less riding at the beginning and plenty of enjoyable sightseeing rest stops.
    • Will you ride alone or with a riding companion? It's a lonely and less safe journey when done alone, although this is the preferred approach by some. A riding companion can be a source of motivation, companionship, entertainment and shared loads and funds, so it's recommended to travel with at least one other person.
    • Check out sleeping options well in advance.
      Check out sleeping options well in advance.
      Check out sleeping options well in advance. Are you happy to set up your bivouac just anywhere or would you prefer accommodation options with a bed and prepared meal each night? The choices are going to be influenced by budget, place, personal preference and availability of options. Some places will require advance bookings, even campgrounds, so spend time researching this with care. In many cases, you'll need to call ahead to reserve a place for your tent or for a room, so take this into account. And don't neglect friends, family and other free offers of comfortable accommodation along the way!
    • Decide which hours of the day you'll do cycling and when you'll stop. Be clear on the time you're going to leave your camp/accommodation each day and what time you should arrive at your destination. Use common sense––if you're leaving home at 9pm, even in summer it's going to be dark/getting dark in most places. You will therefore need to keep you lights on until the morning. If you're leaving at 9am, you probably won't need your lights turned on yet unless it's winter or a very dull day. Always question the need to ride at night though––it's much safer to stick to daylight hours.
    • Choose the season wisely. Cycling when it's snowing or at the hottest time of the year is never advisable. While it is possible to cycle in either extreme, it's not prudent and you'll barely enjoy the experience, thereby undermining the point of the journey. If you don't know how the seasonal changes affect different regions of your country or the one you're going to, do some research online or in guidebooks like the Lonely Planet or Rough Guide. And don't forget wind direction! It's always much easier to pedal with the wind, not against it, so get hold of information on the usual seasonal wind patterns for the places you're headed; these patterns will vary by region and season.
    • Take elevation into account. Flat ground all the way will probably cause few problems but few countries in the world offer that experience the entire way! Hill climbs are hard work and will require more energy expenditure from you. You'll need to account for this when you're planning distance expectations and routes––sometimes you may want to avoid too many hill climbs if it's at all possible.
    • Coming home. Are you going to do a circuit and ride back home or are you going to ride coast to coast and catch a flight or train back? Time constraints and a desire to get back home will affect your decision here.
  4. Advertise. If you're riding to raise money for charity or to raise awareness of an issue, posting an advert in the newspaper (and perhaps through online places such as Facebook) will mean that more people know about you and the cause you're riding for, meaning that more people are likely to donate, offer accommodation assistance or other forms of in-kind support. While this step is not necessary, it's still a good idea. If you're not riding for a charity, you can still give out your email address for some support. If you want to keep your journey to yourself, which is understandable, you don't have to advertise. You could always just tell a few friends to help you out, you don't always need (or want) the whole country knowing.
  5. Check your bike's hardware. Check what you need to have fitted on the bike (and on your clothing where relevant). Bike laws will explain how many lights and reflectors you will need, as well as any other essential requirements. Make sure your bike is 100 percent legal––you don't want to be fined £300 at the other end of the country, do you? Basically, a legal bike is a safe bike (that's the reason for the laws, not to be a nuisance to you) and you want the most safety you can get when making a journey like this one.
    • Make sure your bike's tyres are rock solid. If they're not, pump them up. You want the tyres to last at least a few miles before you have to pump them up again.
    • Tighten up the handlebars and seat so that you won't fall off your bike. The same rule applies; they should be tight for a few miles before they need to be re-tightened. In fact, they should actually be able to make the full journey with only one tighten. Don't worry if they can't, it's no big deal––take along the necessary tools though.
    • Replace your helmet if it's recently suffered a hard knock. Helmets can and have saved lives, so you want yours to be fully safe. When in doubt, replace it. When not in doubt, replace it anyway. Even if you have to spend £50 on a helmet, it's better than losing your life.
    • Clean the bike's lights and reflectors, replace their batteries and pick up some spares just in case. Shine a torch on the reflectors to test them out. Check different angles too.
  6. Pack a backpack.
    Pack a backpack.
    Pack a backpack. You'll need to pack a backpack to bring with you and some bike panniers (side bags) to distribute the weight evenly. What exactly do you put in the storage bags? In your bags you will need:
    • Food. Tinned food is often the best as it doesn't go bad. You could bring freshly made sandwiches/wraps packed in a cooler container to keep them fresh when it's hot. Some energy bars, fruit, nuts and seeds are good high energy options too. And always bring money for some food purchased along the way. If it's a good season, roadside foraging for berries, etc. might be possible but only if you know it's safe to eat (non-poisonous and no sprays) and be careful not to go around pinching food from farms. Many farms will have cheaply available food for sale at their door, so be sure to check. By the way, you can never have too much food––you'll be needing a lot of energy.
    • Drinks. Never forget the importance of hydration. Initially you'll probably need to carry a lot of water because you won't know how much you'll want until a routine is established. Never underestimate the water––carrying more is wise. Eventually you'll get a good idea of how much is enough for your needs, although having spare water continues to be a wise plan. Some riders prefer energy drinks such as PowerAid or Lucozade, because these replace lost electrolytes. You might like to experiment. If you know you can refill with fresh water regularly, you might get away with carrying less but if not, carry at least eight bottles of drink distributed in the panniers, your backpack and on the bike itself (you can buy drink bottle holders for bikes). This may seem slightly extreme but it's necessary until you know your needs better.
      • Avoid fizzy drinks, energy drinks like Red Bull and alcohol. Fizzy drinks and energy drinks will give you a temporary buzz, but after the buzz comes the crash. This means you will be completely drained of energy. Alcohol will affect your sense of balance. Drinking and riding is as illegal, not to mention dangerous, as drinking and driving. Never do either of these two things.
    • Maps, compass/GPS tool. Knowing where you're going is crucial!
    • Spare lights. In case one of the bike's lights decides not to work or suddenly breaks, bring at least three spares of both types, back lights and front lights. On your bike you should have one back light, one front light and one light clipped on to your backpack. If you do the math, you will see that you need nine spare lights. If the lights on your backpack and the lights on your bike are the same, there's no need to bring this many. Bring about five. However, if all your lights are different, you will need to bring the full amount. This is going to be a long journey and could take days, weeks or even months, so you'll want to be safe.
    • Spare batteries. Along with your spare lights, you will need spare batteries. If all of your batteries die, you are very unlucky. Never fear though, just pull out your spare batteries and you're all good to go again. Bring about three packets of good quality batteries like Duracell. If you're bring cheaper batteries, bring more packets.
    • Spare reflectors. Just in case one breaks off, bring some spare reflectors. You will want to bring two or three red reflectors and two or three white reflectors. Although your reflectors are not likely to break, you may tie your bike somewhere and a thief may steal one. Usually, your safe ride would now be over but if you brought spare reflectors, you're all set to ride.
    • Cable lock. You will probably get hungry somewhere along the way. If you want to get off of your bike and buy some food, you will need to tie it up. If you don't, there is a good chance that somebody will come along and take it. To avoid this, buy a cable lock. You want one that comes with a lock, not a combination. Experienced thieves will easily be able to hack the combination in a flash but by the time they pick that tiny lock, you'll probably be finished. This is the one thing that you definitely don't want to forget, along with food. You can also get locks for the panniers, ask at an outdoor store for choices.
    • Tools. You can pick up some foldable tools that have allen keys, spanners, flathead screwdrivers and phillips screwdrivers in one, often known as a bicycle multi-tool––you will need all of these functions. If you can't find a multi-tool (but do check online), bring loose ones. You will also want to bring a small first aid kit and a puncture/patch kit. The first aid kit is for small injuries like cuts and scratches. Anything more serious and you can call an ambulance. The puncture kit is in case you hit a nail while riding––that's never fun but you need to be realistic. Although you've got to bring your bike to a shop as soon as this happens, the puncture kit will hold out until you get there. You also want to bring a bike tyre pump for when the bike starts to go flat, an extra tyre lube, tyre levers and an air horn to warn other people of your presence or to scare off unfriendly wildlife or dogs.
    • Sleeping/camping gear. If you're going to set up your own campsite now and then, you'll need a lightweight tent and camping basics. Choose items that are as light as possible, such as a one- or two-person tent, titanium cutlery and food gear, lightweight sleeping bag, etc. Ensure that sleeping items are in waterproof bags to prevent rain or puddle damage. Planning for sleeping along the way requires a bit more in-depth research, so you're advised to do some reading on the best options, either online or in travel cycling books.
  7. You'll need warmer gear for the cooler weather seasons.
    You'll need warmer gear for the cooler weather seasons.
    Wear the right clothes. If you try to ride wearing jeans and a shirt, you won't get very far. You could also injure yourself if you fall, not to mention that you'll be very hard to see. Recommended clothes are padded shorts and a reflective jacket. If you fall, the padded shorts will protect you and cars will be able to see you if you wear reflective clothing. If you don't have a reflective jacket, bright colours will do, although adding reflective tape to clothing is a fairly simple operation.
    • Have good rain gear. Cycling raincoats tend to cover your backside as well as your upper body, curving in with fitted elastic. If it's the warm season, you might be able to handle wet legs, otherwise consider also have rainproof pants. Any external jacket should be bright and reflective, especially rain gear.
    • Soft-shell jackets are a must-have for the cyclist. Perfect for cooler, windier days, these can cut the chill.
    • Riding gloves help to stop chafing and soreness, as well as improving your grip.
    • Choose clothes that wick away sweat. You will sweat, even in cooler weather.
    • Sunglasses are an absolute must––not only to prevent glare but to help protect your eyes from insects and road stones.
  8. Think safety. As well as wearing suitable clothing, safety involves a number of aspects when riding across the country. Good ways to stay safe include:
    • Have regular check-ins by phone or email with a friend or family member back at home. Give them general times to expect you to get in touch, which will allow them to know you're safe. If you've had any odd experiences, let this person know in case it's something that needs to be followed up.
    • Have emergency numbers keyed directly into your cell phone and keep it charged. Take along a solar charger for daytime charging as you ride. Obviously, sometimes you'll be out of range but many countries have emergency number options for times when your own provider is out of range.
    • Stay in public places if you ever feel unsafe. Call the emergency authorities for help from a public place if needed. Stay around other people if you feel stalked or followed and tell people around you that you need help.
    • Wear good clothes, a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen to protect yourself from UV damage.
    • Stay hydrated and eat frequently.
    • Stop when your body needs tells you it needs a break. This isn't the Tour de France.
  9. Go ride. After you've packed your bag, checked your equipment and planned a route, you're all set to go. Get your bike and leave home. Tell some people you are leaving and that you'll call them if anything happens to you or you need a lift in an emergency. Make sure that you're fit to do this, give yourself some last minute motivation and, above all, be prepared to have fun and keep your sense of humor about you.
  10. Take breaks. If you know that you can't ride for seven hours straight, why push yourself? It's okay if you don't finish a portion of your journey in one day, so be sure to take a bunch of breaks. If you brought food, which you should have, eat it so you're no longer hungry. If you're thirsty, have a drink of water. After you've eaten, wait for at least ten minutes before riding again so you don't throw your food back up. On your second or third break, it's possible that you would have run out of food. If that's the case, stop off at a local shop or fast food place to grab a bite or buy some more sandwiches. Enjoy the journey as much as reaching the destination.

Edit Tips

  • Lightening your bike could be really helpful. Be sure your bike is safe though, a strong bike is more helpful than a light bike in this case.
  • Get some friends to motivate you by coming along either part of the way, or all of the way.
  • After the long ride, you'll probably lose some weight. If you're dieting, use this as motivation. Imagine your body after.
  • Take a break every few hours if needed.
  • If you enjoy blogging, consider checking in and updating your blog about your ride across the country from time to time. This could be done from internet cafes, your cell phone or at the places you're staying. It can be a fun way to stay motivated, as you read the supportive comments from your blog followers.
  • If you're planning to ride across the USA, check out The Adventure Cycling Association ( for some useful planning information and plenty of route plans. Many other countries offer similar sites aimed at adventure cycling within the country, just do an online search.
  • You can find nearly everything you need at a cycling shop. However for camping gears you need to look elsewhere.

Edit Warnings

  • The journey could take days, weeks or even months. This means ensuring that you have the time available, that you've planned for contingencies and that you're prepared to sleep rough on occasions (if need be).
  • If you don't bring enough spares, you could find yourself in a spot of trouble. It's a good idea to know the location of every bike store along or near your route. Use your cell phone/GPS to assist.
  • If you get tired, stop and rest/sleep straight away. It's not worth risking your life––tired riding is dangerous.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • Sturdy, dependable, light but strong bicycle
  • Panniers and backpack (check the comfort of the backpack before purchasing)
  • Bike tools and accessories as listed above
  • Suitable clothing (spares too)
  • Camping/sleeping gear (some cyclists are fine with a bivouac, others prefer tents)
  • Water bottles and food containers
  • Water, energy drinks, food
  • Cell phone, preferably with internet access; get a solar charger to ease the issue of charging it regularly
  • Maps and compass/GPS
  • Medication (if relevant) and any supporting papers
  • First aid kit
  • Patch/puncture kit
  • Something to read
  • Camera
  • Helmet
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent
  • Good quality shoes and socks that wick away moisture

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