Lingerie washing bag zips tend to break fairly easily, especially if they are cheap and they've been used a lot. Here's how to re-purpose this useless item into something handy––a butterfly catcher. It's an ideal project to make with the kids on a rainy day––depending on the design of the bag, the holes should be big enough to use a fairly blunt needle or even a darning needle, making it suitable for youngsters to try.
- Prepare a long needle and thread or darning needle and string and a large metal coat hanger. Find your large lingerie bag with its broken zip.
- Turn the lingerie bag inside out and fully open up the zip part.
- Bend out the continuous part of the metal clothes hanger until it is in the shape of a circle. Measure this against the bag you want to use––the larger lingerie bags work best. You can either mold the hanging part around the circle, or use wire cutters to remove it completely.
- Put the zip end of the lingerie bag partly through the metal circle and fold it over the metal, all the way around. Pin into place for sewing.
- Sew the bag overlap to the lingerie bag itself by using the basic "in-out and pull tight" method. There is no need to pull so tightly that it puckers or gathers, unless the bag circumference is too big for the metal circle.
- Tie off the thread so that it won't unravel. The bag should slide evenly around the metal, forming a butterfly catcher.
- Test it out. Send the kids outdoors to catch butterflies with their new butterfly catcher.
- You don't have to wait for a zipper to break before making this item––dollar stores sell lingerie bags very cheaply if you just want to make a few of these for some nature fun.
Edit Warnings
- This project may require the use of plastic bags or sharp tools; supervise children using any such items.
- Be careful when molding or breaking off the top of the hanger, as it can be quite sharp.
Edit Things You'll Need
- Long needle or darning needle (large and blunt if the holes permit it)
- Large lingerie bag with broken zip
- Large metal/wire coat hanger
- Pins
- Sewing thread
- Wire cutters (optional)
- Pliers (to help bend the wire coat hanger)
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