Sep 12, 2012

How to of the Day: How to Use the Cuisinart Mixer You Got for Your Least Once!

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How to Use the Cuisinart Mixer You Got for Your Least Once!
Sep 12th 2012, 14:00

You thought registering for a Cuisinart Mixer might be a cool gift to receive––after all but now that you have it, doesn't every new couple need this kind of stuff? But now you have it, you're unsure what to do with it. Or worse, perhaps you're suffering from "Cuisinart fear", a lack of desire to read the mountain of instructions and a fear that if you actually try using it, it'll be all too complicated and messy. Maybe you're just not that into baking or even home cooking and you're worried about the amount of bench space it's going to take up… Don't let the guilt about not knowing what to do with this large but sublime kitchen machinery hold you back from discovering the joy of owning what is potentially a very useful kitchen tool. Even if you aren't the Martha Stewart of your block, don't auction it off just yet––it can come in handy for entertaining, the occasional fiddly meal and even a few other neat ideas as suggested here.

Edit Steps

  1. Use it for storage. If you don't have enough room to store your pesky measuring spoons or you need a home for your regular receipts, the Cusinart mixer can solve that for you. Hide little objects inside the mixer bowl. It's a useful extension of your junk drawer, only less messy.
    • Consider using it to create a place for "work only" receipts or paperwork. Drop business cards from colleagues, lunch receipts or even your calendar in the mixer. The bowl is so deep that no one may be the wiser.
    • Use the mixer as your landing pad for keys, wallet etc. The big mixing bowl can be home for important everyday items including cell phones or iPod chargers––anything you'll need on the go and fast.
    • Spare change storage. It'll take some time to completely fill this mixing bowl but at least you won't have to worry about errant quarters and dimes running amuck in your home.
  2. Integrate the mixer into the architecture of your kitchen. Consider this expensive mixer to be a structural "show-off piece" in your kitchen. It could either sit looking like you're using it (kudos for the homely imagery) or it could actually do something with purpose, like:
    • Acting as a bookend for your cookbooks. Park the mixer next to your cookbooks or other important literature that may be housed in the kitchen. Of course, you'll need another support so use the wall or an actual bookend.
    • Hide cracks or faults in the wall. If there's an area on the backsplash or wall that may have a defect or a scratch, the mixer can be strategically placed in front to hide it. You could also hide ant traps behind it––your attempt at DIY pest control won't look so grossly obvious.
  3. Mix cocktails with it. A well-blended cocktail is the cornerstone to any party. While you could just blend in a glass or pitcher and pour, whipping out the Cuisinart to mix drinks will guarantee excellent mixing along with superb style.
    • Use it to make frothy drinks even lighter. For those whipped, light punches, an electric mixer will help you achieve the texture you desire. Ice cream or alcoholic punches are ideal.
    • Create icy drinks by combining shaved ice with your alcohol and mixer. Mix at a high speed until the ice completely permeates the liquid and serve immediately. Great for a hot summer's day.
  4. Bake something for the person who bought it for you. You might find using this mixer a little more enticing once you've baked cookies or a cake with this state-of-the-art mixer. Sometimes it's just about getting started, getting over the hurdle of thinking it's too complicated to use. If you try to make at least one item using the Cuisinart, you might just surprise yourself at how useful it can be.
    • Make an easy recipe like Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies or a box mix cake using your mixer. If using a box mix, add some additional ingredients to make it a little more interesting than the run-of-the-mill cake.
    • Let the recipient know that you used his or her gift to create your goodies and that you enjoyed the experience (you may not have to lie either). Even better, invite the gift giver over to try your baked goodie!
  5. Throw a baking party, like a cookie party or a cake party.
    Throw a baking party, like a cookie party or a cake party.
    Throw a baking party, like a cookie party or a cake party. Have everyone bring their own favorite recipe and ingredients and let them know that the Cuisinart mixer is at their disposal during the party. The more who use it, the better. And if you really don't want to keep it anymore, watch for the person who seems to get the most satisfaction from using it and spends a lot of time wishing he or she could have one too––quietly pack it off with this person as he or she leaves.
  6. Store the washed and cleaned mixer (provided you've used it once or twice) in an easy-to-access area. You'll want to store in a place where you aren't tripping over it, but one that is easy to access. Given its size, it might be taking up precious room, so bear this in mind when choosing its final resting place. Some ideas include:
    • Keep it on your countertop. Depending on the amount of space, keeping a Cuisinart Mixer in plain view will not only make you look like you could be a rock star chef but is going to be the easiest way to maintain it. However, if you literally never use the thing, and countertop space is at a premium, you'll have to find alternative storage.
    • Check out garage or laundry room space. If storage in the kitchen won't work you may need to check out the garage. Keep the mixer in its original packing, not only to protect it from the elements, but in the event you either want to "re-gift" it or resell it, you'll have everything you need.
    • Store in a spare bedroom closet. One of the better choices if the kitchen doesn't work out, a spare bedroom closet might be a good place to maintain the mixer. In fact, you can use top of the box to place favorite shoes or a basket to hold jewelry or other items.
  7. Explore the Cuisinart in short bursts over a long time. Rather than feeling as if you have to use the Cuisinart all the time when cooking, make a compromise. Use it say, once a month, to begin with. If all goes well and that experience works out for you, amp it up to twice a month and perhaps to once a week. Nobody expects daily use of food processing machines in a home kitchen––the art of chopping and slicing by hand isn't out of fashion. Ultimately, don't let any kitchen tool hold you to ransom. If you don't like using it, or you only want to use it intermittently, then be guided by your preferences––after all, you're the cook in charge.

Edit Tips

  • If you're too lazy or disinterested to read the instructions, watch online videos about using the Cuisinart. Some also come with a DVD, which can be watched as you cook or during a break from cleaning up the kitchen.
  • If you plan to re-gift the mixer make sure the person who gave it to you is not involved in any way with the recipient. You will also need a pretty good plan or story in the event the recipient wants to know how that expensive mixer is working out for you, although spinning a "broken parts" tale can often deter further exploration.
  • Cuisinart mixing bowls make great receptacles for popcorn. Use during movie night at home.
  • Abby Mandell is known fondly among Cuisinart devotee circles as the "high priestess of Cuisinart". You can find her old publications on sites such as Amazon or in used book stores; the advice for using the Cuisinart to its full extent will be invaluable should you decide to venture onward!
  • Remind yourself that all food made at home tastes better than bought food. It's fresher and you can make a lot more of it for less cost. This friendly self-reminder can help you to overcome a dislike of using the Cuisinart kitchen beast.
  • If you have children, make cleaning the Cuisinart after its use a condition of receiving their pocket money. This can remove one major disincentive for you to make use of it and creates a new chore for earning the pocket money. Just be sure they're old enough to handle the blade without harming themselves, or remove that part from the cleaning duty (it's usually the easiest part to wash down anyway).

Edit Warnings

  • Even if you are not thrilled with a gift, always be gracious when receiving any wedding gift and make sure the recipient knows how much you appreciate the generous gesture and gift.
  • Never place fingers, hair or other bodily parts anywhere near spinning Cuisinart parts; the blades are dangerous and will slice your body as easily as the food they chop.

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