How to Use Colorized Nov 13th 2012, 02:00 The free Colorized app for both the iPhone and iPod Touch lets you sketch, draw on top of photos, and then find what your friends are sketching. You can even "remix" what they've sketched. Another feature of Colorized is the ability for you to have entirely visual conversations with other people, as well as being able to flip between each sketch to see what happened before. This step-by-step guide gives an overview of how to get started with your visual conversations and social sketching. - Download the free Colorized app on your iPhone or iPod Touch, using the Apple App Store (iTunes). Open the app once you've downloaded it.
- Log in to Colorized with Facebook by just pressing the Log In button. You only need to do this once, and in seconds you're inside.
- Browse your stream of sketches. Don't see a lot of friendly faces sketching? Then press the "Find Friends" button in the upper left to invite your buddies to sketch with you.
Press the "Find Friends" button to invite others to join you. - Invite friends either from your phone's contacts, or from Facebook. Either way, it's easy to send a quick message asking them to download the app and sketch along with you.
- Start a sketch by pressing the "New" button. From there you'll see the app reveal its Sketch Camera feature.
- Switch between the two photo filters, or press the "Free Draw" button to start with a blank canvas.
- Try the different tools. Colorized has a solid pencil tool with a wide range of colors to use in your sketch. It also provides a spray can tool and an eraser to remove mistakes.
- Adjust the thickness of your line with any of the tools. Use the slider in the tool pop-up to do this.
- Zoom in for detail work using the Zoom button.
- Add stamps using the stamp tool. From mustaches to space helmets to holiday-themed stamps, there are a lot of options to easily add to your sketch.
Press the Stamp tool and choose a stamp to add. Resize it and tap to place. - Publish your sketch to the stream. Your friends will see what you've drawn, and can comment, like, or remix it. If your image is popular, it'll get seen by an even wider audience. You can also share what you've sketched on Facebook and Twitter.
- Browse, sketch, share, comment, like, and enjoy! You've just covered the basic how-to for Colorized's social sketching.
- Start tuning in to your imagination more often. If you've ever been gazing out of your office window and idly imagining a monster on the horizon... well, now you can sketch it! Even something as simple as what you'd look like with a beard is a good starting place.
- Sketching is more fun when it's social. Try inviting friends onto Colorized using the "Find Friends" button, and start some remix battles!
- Try using both the black-and-white photo filter and the "toon color" filter, for dramatically different effects.
- Tap on any image in your stream to zoom in and view it in full detail.
- You can access the list of all the sketches you've liked by going to your profile and clicking "Likes."
- The app can be downloaded in English or Spanish.
Edit Things You'll Need - iPhone or iPod Touch (Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 6.0 or later and is optimized for iPhone 5)
- Colorized
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