Jan 7, 2013

How to Get Rid of Things: No Place Like It

How to Get Rid of Things
No Place Like It
Jan 8th 2013, 00:03

photo by Amber Luck RonningI like being at home. I like it so much, it's almost a personality defect. Because, even though I think other people and new experiences are swell, I will often reject them in favor of an evening on the couch, in my pajamas, watching TV. It might not even be new TV; I watch a lot of How I Met Your Mother reruns. Some people will argue that this is a waste of my precious time on Earth. And that could be true. But I prefer to look at it this way: when I'm at home, most of the things I love in this world are right there with me. My husband [link to Eric's blog], who's also kind of a homebody. My two cats. My English Bulldog. My kitchen, where I like to experiment with baked goods and brunch, and where cooking dinner at night helps me wind down from the day. My garden in the summer. Shelves upon shelves of books. All the whiskey, wine, and microbrewed beer I can drink. Blankets. And yes, my TV.

I'm almost fully domesticated, and that's OK.

You may be skeptical. You may be thinking that someone who likes to stay home a lot can't possibly have anything to blog about. But as long as you have a home, too, we have something in common. And I have things to share: recipes, eco-friendly cleaning tips, book recommendations, solutions to pet-related problems, and ideas for gifts you can make yourself. Plus, we're hoping to buy a house in the country soon. Once that happens, you can also expect to read about do-it-yourself decorating and remodeling projects, the thrilling volume of the chorus of cricket chirps at night, adventures in clearing snow from a really long driveway, and the exact color of the sunlight on the land in late afternoon. And chickens. Who doesn't want to read about chickens?

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