Jan 9, 2013

How to Get Rid of Things: Well Hello There

How to Get Rid of Things
Well Hello There
Jan 10th 2013, 05:09

me in lowertownNils here checking in from Lowertown, Minnesota. That is to say that particular district of downtown Saint Paul just east of Jackson Street and North of the barge-jammed Mississippi. I’ve lived in Lowertown for close to 4 years now and I’ve seen a lot of changes. Changes in the way it looks, the way it feels. I’ve seen changes in myself too.

When I first moved to Lowertown I was young, I had a crappy job, and I had an excellent roommate. All of those things are gone now. My beard is beginning to grey, I enjoy leaving for work, but my lease bears but one signature. As I eluded to I have a good job now. And I have this too. THIS is also a job. But more on this later. Right now I want to tell you a little about – THAT. That which is my day-time activities (which occasionally creep into my evening activities). You see, for almost a year now I have worked at Whole Foods in the meat department. And that has left little time for this. This which I had enjoyed doing for almost 4 years before that. I have become lazy in this. But balance as you may know can be hard to find. Especially when you are dealing with weights of different measure. To balance a cricket and toad you need only find the right size lever. Here’s to finding that lever. And hoping the cricket and the toad stay still.

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