Jan 18, 2013

How to of the Day: How to Be Tumblr Famous

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How to Be Tumblr Famous
Jan 18th 2013, 08:00

Tumblr is a great way to become popular on the Internet, especially if you know how to get and keep followers. But how does one achieve the elusive "Tumblr fame" that is coveted by so many? This tutorial will show you what you have to do to truly become Tumblr famous.

Edit Steps

  1. Make your content follow-worthy. Try to post high-quality content as often as you can, within the limits of your blog's theme (if you have one).
    • If you take your own photos, use a high-quality camera (excellent quality digital cameras are now very affordable).
    • Process photos so that they match the aesthetic of your Tumblr. Take them with a filtering software like Instagram, or alter them in a program like Photoshop, Picasa or GIMP.
    • Be meme-savvy. Memes are like inside jokes for the Internet. Knowing what they are (and how to use them) can lure in followers who appreciate your sense of humor or quirkiness. However, don't overdo this––the overuse of memes can easily irritate (unless, of course, you run a meme-themed blog).
    • Reblog interesting content. Some Tumblrs are aggregators, meaning that they pick up content from different places and repost it in one feed. Your Tumblr doesn't have to consist entirely of reposts, but a few can't hurt. Check out Flickr, Thrilld, weheartit, and (of course) other Tumblrs. If there's a click-through link to the original version of the picture, don't take it off. Whoever took that photo deserves the credit for it.
    • Don't take long breaks. People want to follow Tumblrs that are active and posting a lot of new content. Taking a month-long hiatus could ultimately cost you a lot of followers.

  2. Establish your Tumblr persona (optional). Some people use their real identities on Tumblr, but many more choose to stay anonymous and promote a persona instead. You can choose to be yourself, or be someone completely different than you are in real life (an alter-ego)––it's your Tumblr, and your choice. Just note that most successful Tumblrs feature real people discussing their real lives or interests (and quirks).

    Zooey Deschanel is one of many celebrities who has cultivated a unique online persona on Tumblr.
    Zooey Deschanel is one of many celebrities who has cultivated a unique online persona on Tumblr.
  3. Choose a theme that reflects your personality, as well as fitting the aesthetic of your Tumblr. Because Tumblr's generic themes are so commonplace, using something fresh and original will help yours to stand out. Search for interesting themes online, or (if you're particularly good at coding) design your own.

  4. Get your name out there. Try to promote your Tumblr as much as possible. You can do this in the following ways:
    • Follow other people. Sometimes they'll follow you back!
    • Follow good blogs and Tumblr famous blogs. Every once in a while you may get a follow-back. Or you may get them often if the person checks out their followers' blogs and yours happens to be really good. Try to make friends with Tumblr famous people.
    • Tweet about your Tumblr, and invite your Twitter followers to follow you there. You can set up your Twitter feed so that it will post an update and a link every time you post on Tumblr.
    • If you have contributor pages on other sites (like wikiHow), leave your Tumblr link on that page for people to follow through.
    • Talk about your Tumblr on Facebook. As with Twitter, you can set up your account to notify your friends and post a link when you've posted on Tumblr.

  5. Have a URL that's easy to remember and relates to your Tumblr. The URL is what you type in at the address bar to get to your blog. Make it cool, fascinating or different.
    • Usually Tumblr doesn't allow hyphens in the beginning or end of your URL, but there is a way to cheat that. Type your URL somewhere that's not where you change it, copy it and paste it into where you change it.
  6. Express the real you. Tumblr shouldn't change you. Post about what matters to you, and people will respond to your authenticity. Bear in mind that it's easier to stay authentic when you share your passions and interests, not the latest fads that don't really grab you.

  7. Be prepared to respond to criticism. Chances are that you're going to get some nasty hate messages––it's the internet and some people let rip for no reason at all. Know how to deal with haters calmly. One route to take is to be witty and use funny gifs or pictures as your response. It'll probably make your followers laugh and will cause the hater to scuttle off. Most of all, don't take it personally––online potshots are all too easy to make and there are just a lot of people who lack civil restraint––they're not worth your attention.

Edit Tips

  • You can look up to other people on Tumblr for inspiration when you start out, but never blatantly copy anyone. Stay true to yourself if you want to be Tumblr famous!
  • Don't expect to get Tumblr famous in a day or even a month. As with all good things in life, time is of the essence. For most people, Tumblr fame takes a decent amount of time––you'll need to be very dedicated to Tumblr if you really want to become famous.

Edit Warnings

  • Addiction to fame is a way of denying reality. Your "ordinary" life is as important as any celebrity person's. Don't forget that.
  • Sometimes what you have to do to be famous eats into your time, principles and resources––always ask yourself if it's truly worth the effort.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • Tumblr account
  • Aesthetically pleasing theme
  • Eye-catching URL
  • Good content

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