Jan 15, 2013

How to of the Day: How to Prepare for a Technical Writing Interview

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How to Prepare for a Technical Writing Interview
Jan 16th 2013, 00:00

Technical writers (or technical communicators) are responsible for writing, editing, and maintaining manuals, catalogues, documents, user guides, and other reference materials, both print and digital, for specialized fields like engineering, manufacturing, science, technology, and agriculture, etc. Technical writers are hired to work with subject matter experts and professionals to explain highly technical information to specific audiences. Many writers are hired for on contract specific projects or as full-time staff with companies.

Technical writing job interviews focus on past experience and technical skills, as well as writing ability. Prepare for a technical writing interview by studying the job description and the company, and by practicing your answers to the questions you can anticipate.

Edit Steps

  1. Review the job description and the help wanted ad. Make sure you understand what the company is looking for.
    • Write down any questions you have about the responsibilities of the job. If they are not answered during your interview, be sure to ask.
    • Make sure that your qualifications meet what the position is asking for. Also, be sure to pepper your resume and cover letter with language used in the job description––keywords and catch phrases help you stand out.
  2. Avoid errors in your application. Read and re-read your resume and cover letter over before you send it to apply for the position. Your ability to pick up errors is a strong part of your suitability for the role!
    • Pay attention to what you called out as your strengths and reasons you are a good match for the position.
    • Have somebody read your resume and cover letter for you to cross-check any potential errors you may have missed as well as gain important feedback.
  3. Research the company you're interviewing with. Visit the website and get to know the history and culture of the organization. It's a good idea to contact the firm through relevant people to ask questions about the firm's activities and the role.
  4. Practice answering questions. Try to anticipate the questions that your interviewers will ask. You can do this by familiarizing yourself with the position and the company, as well as working through the requirements for the role.
    • Prepare for general questions about your work history, education and your professional strengths and weaknesses.
    • Expect specific questions about your technical writing skills. Prepare to discuss any computer programs you use, such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Framemaker, Dreamweaver, and Visio. If you have experience with databases, prepare examples. And summarize examples that show how you organize, handle revisions and collaboration and prioritize yourself to meet deadlines.
  5. Prepare to be tested. Some employers will want you to complete a writing test to get an idea of your abilities. This is a great opportunity to display your skills.
    • Expect a test on your writing and computer abilities. The writing test will likely be asking you to take some technical specifications or other material and developing a paragraph or two that explains them. You might also be asked to use programming language, such as Java or Visual Basic and demonstrate a knowledge of HTML and other web writing codes.
    • Agree to a test ahead of your interview, if it is requested. Some companies will want to save time by choosing who to interview based on test results. You may be asked to complete a test and submit it before an interview is scheduled.
  6. Have questions of your own prepared. Asking questions during an interview is important. It demonstrates that you care about the position and take the opportunity seriously.
  7. Practice in front of a mirror or with another person. Hearing and seeing yourself respond is an effective tool in improving your communication skills.
  8. Arrive for the interview at least 10 minutes early, if your interview is in person. This will give you time to fill out any required paperwork and review your notes before the interview.
    • Find a quiet place where you can concentrate and speak without distractions, if your interview is over the phone or via video chat. For video interviews, always check the background beforehand and ensure that it is neat and tidy.
  9. Dress professionally. Wear a suit, even if you're interviewing in a place with a casual dress code and even if it is a phone interview. Feeling professional will help you sound professional.
    • Pay attention to your grooming. Make sure your nails are trimmed, your clothes are clean and pressed, your breath smells good, and your hair is neat. You want to make a good impression at the interview.
  10. Make notes that you can take with you and access at the interview. Take a notepad with you so you can take notes on what the interviewer has to say about the position and the company.

Edit Tips

  • Prepare for multiple interviews. Some companies will want to interview you by phone or ask you to join a video chat program before they meet you in person. Flexibility and a willingness to cheerfully go through several rounds of interviews with different people will help your chances of landing the job.
  • Remember to follow up after your interview. Send a thank you note or an email expressing your appreciation for the time your interviewer took to meet with you. Reiterate your interest in the company and your enthusiasm for the opportunity.
  • Don't be discouraged if you don't get the job. Always look at the glass half full rather than half empty---there are plenty of other jobs out there to take.
  • If you lack certain experience, volunteer or consider taking on an internship. Technical writing is a competitive industry and experience is often more valuable than education. Volunteering yourself to non-profit organizations or small businesses is a way to develop your skills and build work experience to beef your resume up.
  • Join the Society for Technical Communication. The STC means profressionalism and professional development for your career and to your employer. Check out your local STC chapter online and join ASAP.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • Job description
  • Portfolio examples (optional but possibly helpful)
  • CV, cover letter
  • Notepad and pen/pencil

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