Jan 17, 2013

How to of the Day: How to Unclog a Toilet

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How to Unclog a Toilet
Jan 17th 2013, 08:00

There's never a good time to plunge a toilet, but clogs seem to happen at the most inopportune moments. Fortunately, you can clear most clogs yourself without having to pay a plumber. Follow these steps, and you should have the problem cleared up before the in-laws come over for dinner.


Edit Steps

Before You Begin

  1. Flush only once. If it's not flushing the first time, don't flush again. This will cause more water to be pumped into the toilet bowl. If the toilet becomes clogged, the first flush will not cause the bowl to overflow, but the second flush might.
  2. Put on a pair of rubber gloves. Toilets are inherently unsanitary places to work, but a good pair of rubber cleaning gloves will protect you from any germs within.
    • If you can see the cause of the clog, put on a pair of rubber gloves and remove it from the toilet if possible.
  3. Protect the floor. What's worse than a clogged toilet? An overflowing toilet. Minimize the potential damage by placing newspapers or paper towels on the floor to soak up liquid. Besides, minor splashes and spills are bound to occur when you're unclogging the toilet. The paper will make for easier cleanup later.
  4. Make sure the water supply to the toilet is off. It should be located right behind the toilet, it looks like a regular faucet knob. Do not shut off the supply for the house, since this will prevent others from using water. If the water is off to at least the toilet, this will prevent the bathroom from flooding.
  5. Ensure that the bathroom has good air circulation. Turn on the ventilation, or open a window to minimize foul odors, and to protect against potentially toxic fumes from any chemical products you may need to use.

Dish Soap and Hot Water Method

  1. Add a little dish soap. Just place a few squirts in the toilet.
  2. Pour a pot or half a bucket of tap-hot water from about waist level into the bowl. (The reason you pour from waist level is because the weight of the water can help to clear the clog, or erode it away if some amount of water is getting through.) The water should be no hotter than a hot tea you can drink comfortably, but not boiling, since very hot water can crack porcelain. A little water won't work––you want to raise the temperature of the water passing around or pressing on the clog.
    • Let the water and dish soap sit for a few minutes. Sometimes doing this will soften a clog enough for the clog to loosen and clear on its own.
    • If the water has not gone down, move on to the plunging method.

Plunger Method

  1. If you know there's an object (such as a child's toy) causing the clog, skip the plunging and go straight to another method.
  2. Use the right plunger. It is important to use a large heavy-duty rubber plunger, either the ball-shaped type or one with a fold-out rubber flange on the bottom which forms a seal. Do not use the small cheap suction-cup type of plunger––these will often not work. Remember, the larger the plunger, the more force you can apply down into the clogged drain. The plunger should have a shape which ensures that the water you force out of it when you push down does not shoot back up into the toilet bowl instead of pushing into the drain.
    • If your plunger is not making a tight seal, try wrapping an old rag around the end of the plunger and press down on any leaks.
    • Run the plunger under hot water before using it. This will soften it up, which will help with creating a seal.
  3. Insert the plunger into the bowl and press down firmly but slowly. Make sure you're covering the hole completely. The plunger should be submerged in water to be effective. It is important to be pushing and pulling with water, not air.
    • Add water to the bowl if necessary. Sharply pull up on the plunger to create suction in the drain, then push in to create pressure. Remember, the clog got jammed going in, so don't be too aggressive with your pushing because you might just jam it further. It is more the suction than the pressure, constantly disturbing the clog in both directions that will gradually cause it to be loosened.
    • If the plunging eventually drains the bowl but the clog is still blocking a free flow down the drain, leave the plunger in the bowl and fill the bowl with water again. Fill it to the point it is normally after a regular flush. Then plunge again. Stubborn clogs might require you to do this a number of times.

Wire Coat Hanger Method

  1. If plunging fails to unclog the drain, a wire coat hanger may clear the obstruction. This will generally work if there is an obstruction in the first few inches of the drain.
  2. Unravel the coat hanger. Twist the top ends of the coat hanger apart until they are no longer connected. (To avoid damaging the porcelain tightly wrap one end with a rag).
  3. Stick the wrapped end of the wire into the drain. Once the wire is in the drain, twist it, push it, and maneuver it in a circular motion to clear the drain.

Plumbing Snake Method

  1. Purchase or borrow a plumbing snake. A plumbing snake (also sometimes called a "flexible cleaning tool" or "auger") is a flexible coil of wire that can "snake" through the curves of a drain and get deeper than a wire can. The best snake is a "closet auger" which is designed specifically to clear toilet clogs without damaging or staining the bowl. A plumber would likely use a closet auger.
  2. Insert one end of the snake into the drain. Push down, feeding the snake further into the drain until you feel an obstruction.
  3. Twist and push the snake through the obstruction until the water begins to drain.
  4. Snake in reverse. It may become necessary to remove the toilet and run the snake through in the opposite direction. This is especially true with hard obstructions that may have been flushed by a curious child. If a hard obstruction is known, and you are not comfortable removing and replacing the toilet, contact a plumber.

Vacuum Method

  1. If you have tried plunging and snaking to no avail, consider using a wet/dry vacuum. Do not use an ordinary vacuum cleaner––it must be the wet/dry variety that can cope with water.
  2. Empty the water out of the bowl using the vacuum.
  3. Place the end of the hose a few inches into the drain. Use just the flexible hose; no attachments. Use old towels to create a seal around the drain.
  4. Turn on the vacuum and push pressure on the towels to create a good seal. There's a good chance the vacuum can suck out the clog.

Enzymes Method

  1. Be prepared to wait. This is not a fast method and will only work on organic waste (not objects or hair). But overnight, it can clear a toilet.
  2. Purchase the enzymes product. Look for a product that contains a mixture of enzymes that "eat" waste materials. Products of this sort can be usually be purchased at home improvement stores in or near the plumbing aisle. These enzymes are used in septic systems to break down waste.
  3. Follow the instructions on the container.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Method

  1. Pour one box of baking soda into the bowl of the toilet. Use the package size normally placed into a refrigerator to take care of odors.
  2. Then slowly begin to pour a medium sized bottle of vinegar (any kind will do) into the bowl of the toilet.
  3. Pour slowly! It will fizz a great deal. Pause adding the vinegar when it begins to foam up. The baking soda and vinegar create a chemical process that help to dissolve clogs. While it is a slow process, it works pretty well.
  4. Once the entire bottle of vinegar is poured into the bowl, let it set for a few minutes.
  5. Add a gallon (3-4 liters) of hot tap water into the toilet bowl. This helps the baking soda and vinegar to do its job.
  6. If you can, let this sit overnight. Repeat if necessary.

Chemical Method

  1. If nothing else works, you can try a drain-cleaning chemical. They're available at most grocery, hardware, and "big box" stores. These chemicals are harsh on the environment, so try to avoid using them if possible.
  2. If you suspect that there is a hard obstruction, do not use a chemical solution. Instead, use a snake or call a plumber.
  3. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Only use chemicals that are specifically listed for toilets.

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Edit Tips

  • If you need to stop the flow of water to the bowl at any time, you can turn off the valve to the toilet (usually located behind or to the side of the toilet), or you can open up the toilet tank and lift the float arm. When the float is lifted past a certain level, the water will stop. It will resume when you let go of the arm.
  • Before a clog: If you see (or hear) water backing up in the sinks or showers whenever you flush, that means there's a deep clog that will eventually stop your toilet from working properly. Don't bother with the above methods. Call a plumber.
  • Clean up diligently. Disinfect the toilet bowl with a disinfectant cleaner after you've cleared the clog. Dispose of the wire (if used) and disinfect or dispose of the rubber gloves and any other tools (such as a plunger or snake) that you used. These tools can spread germs and start to stink if not properly cleaned. A used plunger (especially flange plungers) may still have water inside of it after plunging. Keep it over the toilet, turn it a bit, and shake it slightly to drain it so it won't drip on the floor.
  • Regularly clean the jets around the toilet bowl's edge so that the toilet can flush at full power, making it less likely to clog. If you haven't cleaned them in a while, you might need to carefully use a screwdriver to clear buildup.
  • If nothing works, you may have a problem deeper in the plumbing lines, and you'll probably need to call a plumber.
  • If the toilet gets clogged often, try to figure out what clogged the toilet and prevent it from happening again. Common culprits are too much toilet paper, tampons (some are flushable but most are not), toys (both kids and pets are suspects), cotton swabs, and baby wipes. Consider having a little "what not to flush" presentation in the best interest of your plumbing.

Edit Warnings

  • Never use a plunger right after adding the drain-cleaning chemicals. The chemicals could possibly shoot back up onto your skin.
  • Drain-cleaning chemicals are generally extremely toxic and hazardous. Avoid contact with skin and eyes, and do not mix chemicals. Follow all manufacturer instructions to the letter, and heed all warnings.
  • Most drain cleaners available in retail stores for home use are not appropriate for toilets. Check the product label to ensure the product is compatible for use with toilet drains.
  • Do not push or pull the plunger violently when it is in the toilet bowl as it is unnecessary and will cause splashing.
  • Coat hangers and drain snakes can scratch the porcelain of the toilet. Try to be careful to minimize the damage, at least in the visible part of the bowl.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • A sanitary waterless plunger
  • A plunger
  • Optional dish soap
  • Rubber gloves
  • Optional wire hanger
  • Optional bucket
  • Newspaper
  • Eye protection for debris or chemical splash

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