Feb 11, 2013

How to Get Rid of Things™: My First Laptop

How to Get Rid of Things™
A do-it-yourself guide dedicated to helping you prevent or remove common annoyances from your life.
My First Laptop
Feb 11th 2013, 20:43

my new laptopSo I bought my first laptop this past weekend. I have literally been thinking about buying one since I started college back in 1999. But for some reason every time I got close to making a purchase, something stopped me. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I didn’t really need one. I am, by nature and nurture, a very rational person (most of the time). Plus laptops were and still are a very large chuck of change. AND they keep making them better and better. I just couldn’t bring myself to buy a laptop that would literally be “out-of-date” within minutes of purchase. So I never took the leap. I have since had a need, either real or created, for a laptop in my life. And I’ve even been given a couple of laptops that I liked, loved and used quite a bit. In fact for the past 2 years I have been using an Eee PC from ASUS, that has performed quite well. Only over the last couple months did I begin to notice some pretty bad lag when I fired up my Adobe programs. So I decided it was time to put aside my hesitations and seriously look into buying a laptop.

I new that a good place to start would be Micro Center. So I begin looking at their website and came up with a few possibilities. Then the next day I stopped by the store to take a look at them. I played around with a few ASUS Ultrabooks and a couple higher-end models. But at the end of the day the cheaper ones seemed more appealing to me. I was positive that no matter what I got, it was going to be an improvement over my old ASUS. But when I talked to my friend Jonathan he had some good suggestions that kind of made me rethink my instincts. He suggested I look at the Sony VAIO, as he had just bought one and really liked it. So I started looking at them online and comparing them to the ASUS models I’d looked at. Well they were definitely better machines, and more expensive to boot. But I noticed that the biggest improvement was in the processor. So that got me started thinking about cheap laptops with fast Quad-Core processors. Thankfully Micro Center and New Egg make finding that combination pretty simple. I found 2 laptops that I believed to fit the bill. One was THIS – AMD Quad-Core ASUS, 8 GB DDR3, 1 TB HDD, Etc for $799.99 and the other was THIS – Intel i7 Samsung, 6 GB DDR3, 750 GB HDD, for $599.99. I liked that the Samsung had the Intel Quad-Core in it, as I’d seen this very same i7 processor in those fancy VAIO’s that Hatch told me about. I figured that since I’d be upgrading the HDD to an SDD anyway, I may as well save $200 dollars. And as for the RAM, well that’s pretty cheap these days, I can get 8 GB of DDR3 for less than 50 dollars. So I went with the Samsung, and I have been very happy with my purchase. I don’t even mind Windows 8 that much. Plus being a Samsung it matches my TV! Here are the full specs on my new laptop from Samsung.com


The post My First Laptop appeared first on How to Get Rid of Things™.

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