Feb 16, 2013

How to of the Day: How to Create a Secret Box

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How to Create a Secret Box
Feb 17th 2013, 04:00

Perhaps you have love notes, a revealing diary or photos you never want another soul but yourself to see. Here is one suggestion for creating your own "Secret Box" for stashing these precious objects away.

Edit Steps

  1. Choose a wooden box from a craft shop. Select a size that will hold your secret treasures without bending or crushing them. Alternatively, you could buy a cash box that locks, and take out the tray that the money goes in. You can get a cash box at hardware, office supplies and generalist department stores.
  2. Buy a padlock immune to lock picking. Ask a locksmith, if you cannot discern for yourself, for which type of lock will resist picking by a would-be snooper.
  3. Install the lock. If you cannot do this yourself, hire a locksmith to do it for you.
  4. Paint or decorate the box. This is the camouflage activity that will make your box "secret". Make the box look as innocent as possible and look as if it is something other than what it is. For example, a box for make-up, hair clips, stamps or small toys. Or, it could be made to look like a box to hold CDs, craft materials, razor blades or pins. Decorate it so poorly that nobody would ever think to look at it twice. Even a 3 year-old's scribbling on a craft box is enough to put off would-be snoopers who might dismiss it as junk. (Or if you want it to look nice, you could paint it with bright colors and decorate it with pictures of your favorite items such as flowers, sports, hobbies, your pet, rhinestones, etc.)
    • Decoupage is another option besides painting. Use newspaper clippings, old cards, magazine cut-outs, etc. To deter snoopers, make the design seem childish (like pink ponies) or faddish (like pictures of a boy band).
  5. Put things you want to keep secret into the box.
  6. Put the key to the lock somewhere safe. Don't keep the key out in the open, and don't forget where it is!
  7. Tuck the box away somewhere safe; this way it can be a secret. Try to have it blend in with your surroundings. You could slip it into the bottom of a hamper or underneath clothes in your dresser drawer. Stack it into your closet with other boxes, hide it under stuff in a crate or big plastic container. Place it behind an assortment of stuffed animals. The point is to hide it without forgetting where it has been placed.
  8. To keep your box a secret, make sure no one is around when you open it to take something out or to look at anything in the box. Whenever you take something out of the box do it when you are alone in the room or in the house. Keep your secret hiding spot a complete secret from all.

Edit Tips

  • Hang the key on a piece of yarn or string and keep it in a desk drawer or somewhere else you have bits and pieces in one easy-to-locate place.
  • In your secret box, you can keep things such as your diary or journal, secret notes and letters from your friends or lovers, special tokens that mean a lot to you that you would never want to lose, poems or songs you've written, ideas for stories you have, or anything that you don't want anyone to find or know about. (If you're a teen, it can be a good place to hide that favorite lip gloss your sister likes to steal, or the baseball your brother always takes without asking.)
  • Instead of using a lock and key, you could always use a lock with a combination. You could write the combination on a slip of paper and put it in a jewelery box or an underwear drawer, or you could write it on the inside of a drawer or on the base of a lamp or something else that people don't really look at the base of.
  • For added deterrence, keep a money box with a few coins or a sparsely written diary with a weak lock on obvious display. Would-be thieves or snoopers might think that that is all there is to rummage around for.

Edit Warnings

  • Do not hide anything illegal or harmful in this box, seeking to hide it from your parents, spouse, the police, etc. The secret box is to keep your secrets, fears, hopes, dreams, memories, and wishes in... It is not to keep your "secret vice" in.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • Wooden box
  • Paints and paintbrush
  • Decoupage materials (optional)
  • Lock and key
  • Place to store key (add a string)

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