Feb 15, 2013

How to of the Day: How to Use TV Exercise Games to Get Fit

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How to Use TV Exercise Games to Get Fit
Feb 16th 2013, 03:00

If given the choice between watching TV and exercising, which would you choose? We're guessing TV would win 9 times out of 10. But what if you could combine the two? Learn how to use classic TV tropes to motivate yourself to work out—right in the comfort of your own home.

Edit Steps

  1. Pick a TV show. This works best if you're watching a show you actually enjoy. That way, you won't be tempted to give up halfway through and watch something else.
  2. Make a list of things that often happen over the course of an episode. For example, a list for a crime show could be as follows:
    • The bad guy rubs his wrists after his handcuffs are removed.
    • Two people play good cop/bad cop.
    • Someone commits a copycat crime.
    • The chief yells at someone.
    • One of the characters gets in trouble for being "too close" to a case.
    • The mob is somehow involved.
    • The butler did it.
    • An outsider is brought in to help with the case.
  3. Assign an exercise and a number of reps to each item on your list. Example exercises are listed below:
    • Push-ups
    • Crunches
    • Reverse crunches
    • Bicycles
    • Planks
    • Wall sits
    • Butt kicks
    • Squats
    • Lunges
    • Burpees
    • High knees
    • Punches
    • Running in place
  4. Turn on an episode of the show and start watching. Keep a copy of your list handy so you can refer back to it.
  5. Pause the show every time something on your list happens and perform your chosen exercise.
  6. Start playing the show again once you've completed your set.
  7. Repeat the process every time a character does something on your exercise list.

Sample Exercise Games

Edit Tips

  • You can also play this game with live television, but it's harder to pay attention that way. The game is more effective if you use a show that has been previously recorded.
  • You can create different games for all of the shows you watch and re-use them for every episode.
  • When assigning exercises and number of reps, choose easier exercises with a low amount of reps for things that happen often in an episode. Leave the harder exercises and higher number of reps for rarer events.

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