Jan 30, 2013

How to Get Rid of Things™: Dieting is (still) so last year.

How to Get Rid of Things™
A do-it-yourself guide dedicated to helping you prevent or remove common annoyances from your life.
Dieting is (still) so last year.
Jan 31st 2013, 03:16

Dieting is (still) so last year.After my last post, a friend brought up a point that I thought I should touch on—that maybe people aren't dieting because so many people in our country are overweight, what's the point in trying. I was actually avoiding that idea as I was writing before because I didn't know how I wanted to tackle it. So thanks, friend, now I have to give it a whirl.

In case you don't hang on my every word (how dare you!) and can't remember what I talked about last (the nerve!), let me refresh you. A recent survey found that less people (specifically women) are dieting these days and are instead more likely to make lifestyle changes to become healthier. They also found that now most people don't think that those who are fit are much more attractive than those who aren't. Yes, the obesity and poor health choices that plague the U.S. nowadays are probably an influence there. The flub is all around us. But, I think people are more aware of the consequences of their choices, too.

It's kind of like smoking—every smoker has probably been told how bad it is for them. Many times. The thing is that you can't force anyone to change their habits; they have to take the initiative. And, unfortunately, keeping up a healthy lifestyle is hard because, let's face it, being lazy and eating ice cream feels good sometimes. Or a lot of the time. But once you make that decision to get healthy and start making strides toward achieving your health goals, you'll feel even better.

What I was getting at last week was that you can't just expect to change that mindset overnight. It's okay, in fact probably better, to start small when trying to lose weight. Drink water instead of soda with lunch, take the stairs, start thinking about what you eat and drink, take the dog for a walk. Ideally, these things become second nature and then can you move on to bigger steps. You can get your body so used to eating healthy and working out that you crave it like you used to crave junk. Well, you'll still probably crave junk every once in a while. Junk is delicious.

The post Dieting is (still) so last year. appeared first on How to Get Rid of Things™.

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