Jan 7, 2013

How to Get Rid of Things: Getting over the winter time blues

How to Get Rid of Things
Getting over the winter time blues
Jan 8th 2013, 02:31

It's winter again — sort of, anyway, even if it is about 30 degrees in January. And there are a lot of reasons that I dislike winter, but one that ranks pretty high up on my list is how much harder it is to enjoy my favorite workouts. Running becomes about 10 times more complicated, and forget about biking. My dog freaks out in snow, so I can't even take her for our usual daily walks. I can break down and get myself a gym membership, but I don't like to on principle since the outdoors are usually free.

I've ran one half marathon and a few other small races every summer for the past few years, which forces me to stay in shape and keeps me feeling good about myself. But then winter rolls around and kills my ambition to do pretty much anything and I feel like crap. The only way to feel better is to get back on that horse and work out, but I get up early for work, and then when I get home, I just need to veg out for a minute, but then I get stuck in the life-sucking vortex that is the Internet, and all of a sudden its bed time. I know I'm not alone.

You know what we need? A new routine. And I'm working on it, but I have to admit that so far it's been spotty at best. I'm the sort of person with an overactive conscience, so I feel awful when I skip out on something I know I'm supposed to be doing. And everyone knows that guilt is a powerful motivator. So I'm going to start journaling my workouts for a visual reminder to take that guilt trip to fitness town.

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