Jan 11, 2013

How to Get Rid of Things: Get your flu shot.

How to Get Rid of Things
Get your flu shot.
Jan 11th 2013, 20:54

If you haven’t read my article about getting rid of the flu, you can find it here. Now, what you need to understand is that “the flu” doesn’t mean a stomach flu. In fact, stomach flu is a misnomer for gastroenteritis–another article I wrote a while back. Both of them could probably use an update.

So why do we keep having this conversation about whether or not you should get a flu shot? Misinformation: that’s why. Certain interest groups are busy convincing people that flu shots are either a) giving people the flu, or b) making kids autistic. Hey, guess what: this debate ended about 14 years ago. It’s all the result of a paper published in The Lancet in 1998–a paper that was later retracted. Why was it retracted?  Because the evidence didn’t match the conclusion of the paper. Several years later, an aspiring personal injury lawyer threw another log on the fire and convinced idiots like Jenny McCarthy to tell parents that her child’s autism was the result of childhood vaccinations. Turns out he was lying to make money. I know, right? When do you ever hear about lawyers lying for money?

Remember Polio? Yeah. All jokes and cynical thoughts aside, there’s still not one single conclusive study that even hints at the possibility that autism is linked to vaccines. So, go get your flu shot. If it doesn’t stop you from getting the flu, it might actually result in a quicker recovery time and fewer (slighter) symptoms. How awesome is that?

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