Jan 12, 2013

How to Get Rid of Things: List-O-Mania

How to Get Rid of Things
Jan 12th 2013, 21:44

my to do list © 2009 ~ezsI love lists. I love making them, I love reading them. To-do lists, "best-of" lists, grocery lists, Christmas card lists, you name it, I like it. In trying to decide what sort of content I wanted on this blog, I came to realize that lists would be a good focus. Therefore, expect to find this blog primarily devoted to lists. Most of the lists will likely be of a personal nature, such as lists about my favorite things, while others might be how-to guides or lifestyle suggestions. If you have any particular lists you'd like to see explored on this blog, please let me know – I'd love to hear your suggestions.

To ease into this whole "lists" theme, I have decided to present you with a list on why I love lists:

5 Reasons Lists are Awesome

1. Lists are a quick, easy way to share information. Our attention spans are getting shorter (damn you, Internet!), which means we are less likely to devote time to actually reading articles or watching any newscast longer than an average YouTube clip. Heck, chances are you aren't even reading this paragraph and have already moved on to the next number on this list. That's OK. The great thing about lists is that they get straight to the point and allow you to avoid being weighed down by verbiage like this.

2. Lists keep us organized. It's back to that "short attention span" problem again. Modern-day humans are easily distracted by a constant barrage of text messages, emails, voicemails, people "liking" your Facebook comments, etc. Lists remain the best way to keep on task and help us remember all those important things our over-stimulated minds would otherwise forget.

3. Lists help us commit to goals. Lists are crucial components in helping us set and keep goals. For example, if you want to lose weight it is not enough to simply tell yourself "I'm going to lose weight today." You need a strategy. The act of writing down a list of specific ways you can lose weight helps put you in the right mindset to achieve what you've set out to do. Plus, lists give you something to refer back to if and when you find yourself falling behind on your goals.

4. Lists give us a sense of accomplishment. How good does it feel to cross something off your to-do list? Let me tell you — it feels great. Lists give us goals, whether those goals involve the tasks you need to complete at work, movies you need to see before the Oscars or groceries you need to pick up on your next Target run. Crossing off every task on a list, or even crossing off one or two, can give you a satisfying feeling of relief and pride.

5. Lists help us avoid laziness. Each morning, I write out a list of things I hope to accomplish that day. I don't always complete everything on my list, but at least it helps me avoid inertia. It's harder to convince myself that it's OK to take a nap when there are tasks still lingering on my list. I truly believe our society would get a lot more accomplished if everyone took five minutes out of their morning to jot down a list of few modest goals.

So tell me, do you keep lists? Why or why not?

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